Sunday, October 20, 2019

GCSE Distance Learning How to Save Money with an Individual Online Course Plan

GCSE Distance Learning How to Save Money with an Individual Online Course Plan GCSE Distance Learning: How to Save Money with an Individual Online Course Plan Like any other examination or certification, GCSE requires a great amount of effort and time for profound preparation. There are dozens of courses that provide classes, necessary material and assistance in whatever subject your choose, but they are quite costly. Even online lessons of GCSE training start at  £285 – the sum that doesn’t sound affordable at all. But if you are ready to dedicate some time to planning and counting, we have a good, much cheaper   (or even free) option for you – online courses from main knowledge providers on the Internet. You could say that they are irrelevant to GCSE, but you can change that by creating your own individual plan. It’s quite easy to do: Look at the syllabus of a specialized GCSE course – they usually describe in detail which topics will be covered on each lesson. Find free courses that cover those topics. Plan the learning time to make it till certification and arrange lessons for yourself to closely follow the schedule. Want to see how it works in practice? Here you go! Mathematics According to an online course on, it is necessary to cover algebra, geometry and measures, ratio, rates of change and proportion just in the first unit because this is an important foundation, essential to progress further. Let’s see what we can spot on the Internet for free to go through these topics: Algebra Basics: Foundations by Khan Academy Algebra in Mathematics by Alison Introduction to Geometry by EdX Ratios, rates and proportions by Khan Academy As you can see, there is a chance to find at least 2-3 different courses on one topic from various providers. You have a wide range of variants to choose from and that’s the beauty of it. English Language Let’s take another very important subject and try looking for budget compliant variants for you. The interesting fact is that taking paid courses is the main means of preparation among students, but according to a 2016 statistic, the number of people gaining A-C grades in English GCSE dropped by 2.1%. So, it’s not always all about expensive training. Well, the more motivation to try something new ☠º A regular course on the English language GCSE exam includes punctuation, spelling, parts of speech, speaking and writing on different topics as well as reading comprehension. Now, we’ll have a look at its free online counterparts: Grammar and Punctuation by Coursera Parts of Speech: the Noun by Khan Academy (contains a course for every part of speech) Speaking and Writing English Effectively by Alison Speak English Professionally by Coursera Transform Your Writing Skills by Coursera Nowadays, online education is on such a level that you can freely rely on the knowledge it provides, and that’s a great benefit. Of course, this kind of preparation for GCSE coursework will take more time because topics will repeat and some will be omitted (you will have to research them separately). But you have a chance to do it for free, and if money is the governing factor for your decision, hesitate no more. Start planning your own individual course!

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