Friday, December 20, 2019

Sexual Harassment in School Essay - 595 Words

Sexual Harassment in School Sexual Harassment in school usually occurs during passing, recess, or during lunch. Sexual harassment can range from a quick glance to a hoot or whistle. In many cases, one does not know that they are being harassed or harassing someone. Maybe a friend tells you a dirty joke or someone who you see everyday and who you do not know gives you an unusual smile. Do you feel offended by the joke? Are you uncomfortable with the person giving you a smile? Some may say that this is more of a paranoia problem and then just push it aside, but in most cases, it is not. Harassment usually is instigated by heterosexual males either trying to pick up a female or teasing a homosexual. Harassment usually begins in the†¦show more content†¦The other partner gets scared and runs away. Sometimes, when its the male mate that is making the moves, the female doesnt have enough power to say no. Guilt trips or ridicule can be used to entice the victim to submit. Many women are brought up to believ e that if they do not give in, that they are teasing the man or that if they do give in, they will be with the man forever. Unfortunately our society does not always hold a man responsible for the obvious consequences of such actions. Too frequently young women become further victimized by becoming single parents without the moral or financial support of men. One of the saddest things about sexual harassment is that men and women feel uncomfortable through no fault of their own, but somehow end up blaming themselves for their own victimization. Frequently our society puts the blame for an attraction on the victim rather than on the perpetrator. It is not uncommon in court cases for the defendants attorney to place the blame for harassment on the victim of the crime. Preventing 5 The fact is that any person has the right to dress or speak or anything else in whatever way they want. This is supposed to be a free country. 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